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THE IRC client is:


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Latest news

- Yahoo! I've got some news. Bad news. It seems that is down for a couple of weeks. You probably ask..: "So? Whatta hell does it mean??" That means forum is down -(
- Actually, there is something new.. I've totally changed the design of the site. It's suppose to frighten your mortal souls. BO!
- No news for now -)

What is it and how does it taste

I won't explain you the meaning of "Levkin Script for mIRC", we aren't in the 1st grade now,I'll focus on it's main purpose and some kewl features

  • Firstable, reacts on every type of spammers, including such common types as user floodilius, user joinchannilius and user visitwebsitilius.
  • Seconable, you have the full freedom of choise. Everything is extremly configurable.
  • Script interface is not only popups. There are some highly advanced dialog windows.
  • Some useful utilities such as mp3/mid/wav player (definatly not a Winamp but loads 4 times faster -), Cyrillic translator, launcher colorizer.
  • Mass-actions and of course several types of mass-sending actions.
  • Jokes, quotes, fun popups and other shit.
  • Integrateed F-key functions for quicker access to some actions.
  • Different types of channel scanning; friends/enemies/remembered users/clones/IRCOPS.
  • Fr/En/Rem lists, ajoin list, away system blah blah blah
  • Full list of ChanServ/NickServ and MemoServ commands. Help file included.
  • Games -)
  • !Seen service, full domains list.
  • etc. etc.

A bit of history

I'm sorry, that section is under heavy lazy construction (looking for someone who'll translate it from Russian -). Hope will be online soon.

Contact me:
IRC: nick: lev4ik; server: DALnet; channels: #russia, #russian
ICQ: 59588631


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