What's new - final version 4.5 I think I missed something... Who cares anyway?
- Added: Cyrillic Translator. Allows you to "translate"
Cyrillic (text written in Russian letters) into
text written in Latin Letters. So, if you like
the "Fixedsys" fonts, there is no need
in changing fonts every time, simply type /translate
<text in Cyrillic>
- Added: Dynamic Popup Menus.
* DALnet services popups will appear only in
DALnet networks
* Dynamic Away/Regular modes
* Dynamic Disconnection menu
- Added: Colored Nickname list. You set the colour
of OPs, Voiced, Regular users in channel nickname
list. Access this feature from Script Appearance
Dialog (/scriptap)
- Added: Option to edit popups style. If you didn't
like the plain popup style, here is the solution
for you.
- Changed: Completely changed the Away System, eg.
Silent Away, away reasons, option to add/remove
away reasons etc.
- Added: Full list of ChanServ, NickServ and
MemoServ commands. Also, FULL HELP file included.
- Added: "Help User" section in Query
Popup Menus. All common and most important IRC
commands are included. A way to help newbies and
make some new friends :)
- Added: Script Statistics Section in Menubar Popup
Menus. DCC Send/Gets, Script starts, Number of
Connections etc.
- Redesigned: Program and Utilities Launcher. Now
appears in the right side of the monitor.
- Changed: F-Keys Functions.
- Added: Channel Action: Random Kick.
- Added: Several new Script/mIRC tips.
- Redesigned: Main Script Dialog. More prettier and
useful now.
- Improved: Alias and Remote sections. Less heavy
loops and routines.
- Added: Option to enable AutoJoin List for only
specified IRC networks.
- Added: Feature to find a specific character in
Character Window List.
- Fixed: Autojoin List Bug, now joins channels more
- Added: HUGE Fun popups collection. 200kb of NEW,
FRESH, FUNNY Text ! :) I have received a lot of
emails (thanks). Wanted some new stuff, well,
here you go!
- Redesigned: Channel and Query Fun popup menus.
- Added: MP3 List Creator. Finds all mp3 files in
specific folder and and saves it to a TXT file.
Access this feature from Menubar Popups.