SOME HIDDEN STUFF [this file is also included in script packet] Have you noticed the strange line in mIRC Help
under the topic "Cookies!" that says:"A squeaky sound, a multitude of silly
comments, a faithful pet, one bouncing dot, and a smiley
face. Where oh where can they be? :)"? [1] "..a squeaky sound.." (To find this one you need a sound card. Duh!) Access the "About mIRC" window by clicking an icon that is the first from the right in mIRC's toolbar (or simply choose Help/About...). Now when you have the About window open and active, click the mIRC author's nose. Wtf?! -) [2] " bouncing dot.." Go to mIRC's About window like described in the first section. Now when you have that window open and active, click right mouse button somewhere in it. Something is bouncing over the word mIRC! Wow :) [3] "..a faithful pet.." To find the mysterious pet, go to.. guess!? yah, the mIRC's About window. Now when you have the About window open and active, type in (with your fingers-) the word ARNIE. Watch it! It's gonna eat us! [4] "..a multitude of silly comments.." Guess what
you should do to find this one..? [5] "..a smiley face.." To find the smiley face, you need to press down Shift key and click... "About mIRC" (!) icon in the toolbar with left mouse button while holding the Shit key down. Huh! [6] Hm, this secret is undocumented. -) Notice, when you access the Finger window (Tools/Finger) several times, mIRC will display a few different addresses. Genious! [7] I'm not sure if this is a secret, but I'll add it here anyway. When you click the "Tile windows" icon in mIRC's toolbar, mIRC tiles all of the open windows horizontally by default. However, if you hold down the Shift key and then click the "Tile windows" icon, mIRC tiles them vertically. -) [8] Halting the mIRC's default [VERSION] reply.
When you CTCP VERSION someone with mIRC, you get the default mIRC message
[nick VERSION REPLY]: mIRC32 v5.9 by K.Mardam-bey],
with no given option to disable it (!). Yet.
Here is a very simple way to disable or change it.
All you need is a HEX editor and.. and.. well, that's it. Open the executable
mIRC and search for "Editing out the version reply, huh? :)" /* the author is
a funny man, I would say */. Now, change the word VERSION to
something else, for example change it to CERSION. It's gotta be something like: CERSION...Editing out the version reply, huh? :).. The reply is now disabled. Launch mIRC and open the Remotes section (ALT+R). Enter the following line: CTCP 1:VERSION:*:.CTCPREPLY $nick VERSION Running super-puper IRC Client. Only for FBI use! |